Allen S Henry Bulding
Testing Services

Testing and Proctoring Services

The Student Success and Support Center (SSSC) provides test proctoring services for students who receive accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Resources and students who need to make up missed assessments, provided the excuse is verified by the Dean of Students. The SSSC also provides limited test proctoring services for Florida Tech students taking online courses at other universities.

Students must schedule their tests online, by email at or in person two business days (48 hours) before the test. No walk-in appointments are accepted, and any rescheduling of tests must be approved by the instructor of record for the assessment. The SSSC is open at 7:30 a.m. during the week of finals. 

The SSSC does not condone violations of the university's Academic Honesty Policy.

Cheating is NOT acceptable. All violations are reported to the instructor of record for the assessment. All assessments are monitored via video.

The following are reminders for students using test proctoring services at the SSSC:

  • Students may not have any recording or communication devices in the testing area. Items such as phones, laptops, cameras, calculators, and other devices capable of sending, storing, and/or receiving messages should be turned off and left at the front desk. If a calculator is required for a test, the Testing Center will provide one.
  • Students must be prepared to begin at the scheduled time and may not have any items or materials that are not specified by the instructor.
  • Students are not permitted to remove any materials from the testing site. All scratch paper and notes allowed by the instructor must be turned in with the assessment at the time of completion.
  • Students found with any devices or materials not specified by the instructor will not be permitted to complete the assessment, and the assessment and additional evidence will be turned over to the instructor of record for disciplinary action. 

Student Responsibilities

  • When a test is announced, the student speaks with the instructor about using SSSC services for test proctoring, and both agree upon a date and time for the test.
  • The student makes an appointment as close to the in-class test time as possible. Appointments can be made online, by email at, or in person. 
  • The student makes the testing appointment two business days (48 hours) in advance of the assessment. If a student requires the use of a scribe or reader, the appointment must be made three business days (72 hours) in advance.
  • The student should arrive at least five minutes before the start time to check in and ensure that the assessment is on file. Students who arrive late may not be allowed to begin the test without instructor permission.

Instructor Responsibilities

  • The instructor responds to email requests from the SSSC to verify the date and time proposed for the testing appointment.
  • The instructor may deny a testing appointment request if the schedule time is not on the date and time agreed upon with the student or if the student has not spoken with the instructor prior to setting the testing appointment.
  • After approving the testing appointment, the instructor specifies any allowed materials for the test.
  • The instructor or an approved delegate delivers the test to the SSSC in advance of the student's testing appointment. 
  • The instructor has the option to place an order for the test at the Florida Tech Copy Center. A 24-hour notice must be given. The Copy Center will deliver the test copies to the SSSC, or the instructor may pick them up. 

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